Values and beliefs throughout your wellbeing journey

Values and beliefs are two important concepts that influence the way you are.
Values are things which are important to you and govern your behaviour and decisions. This includes concepts such as loyalty, courage, and perseverance. For example, maybe you value courage and thus believe that it is important to take risks.
In contrast to this, beliefs are assumptions you accept to be true. They can stem from your own experience, cultural norms, or what other people say. For example, you may hold a belief that everyone in society should be kind to each other.
You are the only person who can decide what values and beliefs are important in your life. Everyone has different values and beliefs. It’s helpful to recognize what yours are because you’re likely to feel better when living according to them.
When you hold negative beliefs about yourself, you may find it difficult to follow through on your values. For example, if you have a belief that you are not as good as your peers at work, you may struggle to move forward in your career. When your beliefs and values align, however, you are more likely to feel good about yourself and more fulfilled in life.
Take the time to create a list of values for yourself. It may be helpful to keep the list and review it from time to time to adjust it, update it, and re-focus on those things that are most important to you.
Examples could include:
- Kindness
- Friendship
- Knowledge
- Passion
- Positivity
- Integrity
- Honesty
- Ambition
- Dedication
- Adventure
Do any of these values standout to you? What beliefs do you hold? Do you have any negative beliefs? For example, do you feel not good enough in your relationships? Are there any negative beliefs you can challenge or let go of to help you feel more aligned with your values?
Taking time to reflect on what’s important to you can be helpful and keep you connected with what’s meaningful for you. Understanding your beliefs and values can support you on your wellbeing journey, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself.