What are inverted rows?

Inverted rows are a bodyweight exercise that works the upper back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids and trapezius. It also targets the biceps and rear deltoid muscles.
Unlike a regular row in which you move the bar, with an inverted row the bar stays stationary and you pull your body up towards it. If you exercise at a gym you will be able to find the necessary equipment. Some parks also have structures in place that work well for performing this bodyweight exercise.
All you need to perform a set of inverted rows is a strong, stationary bar in a horizontal position and a comfortable, level surface below to stand on. You will be in a push-up position, except you will be facing upward looking up at the bar. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart in either an overhand or underhand position. Keeping your body in a straight line, pull yourself up, leading from your chest. Remember to contract your glute and core muscles for support and stability.
The more upright you are, the easier this exercise will be.