What Are Microgreens? How to Add Them to Your Diet.

Microgreens are the young seedlings of edible vegetables. They can be harvested and eaten within the first 10 days after the leaves have developed.
Microgreens have aromatic flavors, and there are up to 60 different kinds. They taste great and they are packed full of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
You can grow your own microgreens at home. You’ll need either a microgreen kit that contains seeds, soil discs, or grow trays.
If you’re going to grow your own microgreens at home, you will need to provide them with the right amount of water and nutrients. Avoid oversaturating the soil, and remember to wait around 10 days before snipping them off.
Sprinkle your greens onto your meats and salads. They will add extra texture, color, flavor, and nutrients to all of your dishes.