What are the advantages of free weights?

When you enter a gym, you’ll see two main types of resistance training equipment. One consists of free weights, which include dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and weight plates, and the other is resistance machines, such as the seated shoulder press or seated chest press machines.
Both free weights and resistance training machines have benefits, and we’re going to discuss the benefits of the former in this article today.
Firstly, free weights allow for functional training. You can move free weights in a range of planes of motion, meaning you can target your muscles from multiple angles. You can improve your functional movement patterns, as well as your strength and power.
You can isolate specific muscles with free weights, enabling you to tackle muscle imbalances. You can also correct overdevelopment in other muscles. Free weights are cost-effective and allow you to target muscles in the upper body, lower body and core to progress toward your health and fitness goals.
Free weights provide versatility in your workouts, and you can use them to mimic everyday movements for maximum progress and muscle health. Because they’re so versatile and easily portable, you can use them to work out at home, in your garden, in the park, or at the gym.
Plus, with free weights, you can get your workout finished more quickly, especially if you're in a busy gym. You won't need to wait for a specific machine to become free and wait in a long line during your workouts, as you can choose a set of weights and use them to challenge your muscles.