What are the benefits of a social media break?

We may use social media for good—to feel a sense of belonging, to connect with people we may have never met otherwise, or to keep up to date on community events—but it has a dark side as well. Overuse of social media has been associated with lower wellbeing and self-esteem, while increasing depression and anxiety. One of the ways social media does this is by creating a culture of comparison. We see the best of what people share online and compare our whole lives to it. This comparison can create unrealistic standards against which we measure ourselves, and lead to harmful thoughts and feelings.
Given this, taking a break from social media can be beneficial to people. Research indicates that people who don’t use social media for three to seven days—or even limit their use to 30 minutes daily—can experience increased wellbeing and decreased depression and anxiety. Though many reasons can account for these improvements, better sleep quality, filling your time with activities that make you happier and healthier, and removing yourself from the culture of comparison can all have a positive impact on your physical and mental health.
A break may turn into a new normal. If you find you really didn’t need to use social media as much as you did before, and if you used your time better, those benefits could continue on well after your break!