What Is a Pilates Push Up?

A Pilates push-up is a specific type of push-up that requires a lot of core strength, stability, and great upper body strength. Follow the steps below to correctly perform a set of Pilates push-ups.
- Stand tall with your arms by your sides. Take a deep breath in and straighten your arms up above your head.
- As you exhale, bring yourself carefully down to the floor, rolling through the spine.
- Inhale once again and walk your hands out to come to a front plank position. Your body should be in a straight line, with your arms and legs fully extended.
- Keeping your hips and shoulders stable and neutral, exhale and rotate your arms so that the inside of your elbows is facing forwards.
- Bend your elbows and bring your torso down to the floor, keeping your arms close to your sides and your shoulders back. Your shoulder blade positioning is important here to prevent shoulder injuries.
- Push yourself back up to the starting plank position. Repeat this movement for a total of 8-10 reps.