What is mindfulness (and how it can benefit you)

What is mindfulness (and how it can benefit you)

Mindfulness refers to the practice of becoming more aware of the 'here and now'. It involves focusing on the present moment and not allowing negative thoughts about the past or future to infiltrate your mind. Mindfulness is all about achieving a heightened state of awareness of the present and recognizing all of the stimuli that your body is perceiving in the moment.

How to practice mindfulness

There are different types of mindfulness, some of which involve physical movement and others that involve mind-focused activities. Many mindfulness practices are used in different forms of therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT).

Here are some great things to try when you want to start practicing mindfulness:

  • Meditation - this can be performed in a seated or standing position, or even while walking. You might want to listen to a guided meditation when you first start meditating to ease you into it.
  • Pay more attention to what is going on around you - being aware of the present moment is a crucial aspect of mindfulness.
  • Take some deep breaths - deep breathing is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety because it activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for lowering your heart rate and breathing rate, and calming your nerves.
  • Practice stress-management and anxiety-reducing activities - lowering your stress can tackle negative thoughts about the past or anxious thoughts about the future.
  • Listen to music that makes you feel good - it's pretty self-explanatory why this is a great thing to do when you want to elevate your mood! Music has the uncanny ability to make you feel happier, more motivated, and more conscious of the present moment.
  • Spend more time outdoors - studies show that surrounding yourself with nature can be incredible for your mental well-being. Practice some walking meditation while you're walking outside and take note of all of the different things that you can see, hear, smell, and feel in the moment.

What are the benefits of a mindfulness practice?

Here are some of the many reasons why having a regular mindfulness practice can benefit you:

  • Reduced psychological stress
  • Increased mental resilience
  • Lower anxiety and depression symptoms
  • Better mood
  • Improved social health and relationships
  • Lower risk of eating disorders
  • Reduced risk of hormonal imbalances caused by excess cortisol in the body
  • Lower risk of chronic physical health conditions