When should I eat to maximize my workouts?

When should I eat to maximize my workouts?

Fuelling your workouts properly and choosing the right post-recovery foods and drinks can help make a difference in your overall progress. Nutrition plays an important role in muscle growth and maintenance, so it’s important to consider your diet if you have health and fitness goals.

There are recommendations for the types and amounts of macronutrients to consume before and after your workouts for maximum gains. There are also ideal times to eat around your workouts if you want to enhance your progress.

Here are some general guidelines for eating before, during and after your workouts.

What to eat before your workouts

Before you exercise, you need to fuel your body with carbohydrates to provide it with a great supply of glucose.

Ideally, you should eat a carb-rich meal a couple of hours before your workout. Think oats, rice, potatoes, or bread. You can add other ingredients with your carbohydrates, as long as your meal is focused on complex carbs that release lots of energy into your body.  If you’re still hungry immediately beforehand, consume something with fast-acting carbohydrates, such as bananas.

If eating a few hours before a workout isn’t possible, for example, you like to exercise soon after you wake up in the morning, focus on having a carbohydrate rich snack, instead.

What to eat during your workouts

If your workout is relatively long and you need extra fuel during it, consider eating something with fast-releasing energy, such as bananas, energy bars, or a glucose-rich drink.

What to eat after your workouts

After your workouts, focus on consuming a meal with both carbohydrates and protein. You can also add some healthy fats. You can combine any carbs, proteins, and unsaturated fats to produce delicious and healthy meals you like, so get creative!