Why You Need to Start a Gratitude Journal Today

Practicing gratitude has been shown to provide a number of health benefits.
Gratitude involves being appreciative of what you have, no matter how big or small it is.
You don't need to write down these things. You can say them out loud or even just sit and think about them, but most people find gratitude practice works best when they grab their pen and paper.
Your gratitude journal can provide a space to write down everything that you are thankful for. This is a great way to reinforce positive thinking. The more you write down everything you have to be grateful for, the more you start to realize how amazing life is.
Gratitude has been shown to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Reflecting on the positive elements you are thankful for can promote a better outlook on life. This improved mental state may even boost your immune system and help you fight infections more effectively.
It may also help to strengthen your relationships with those around you. When you appreciate the qualities in your friends and family, it can increase satisfaction and happiness in your relationships with them.
Find a spare 10 minutes each day, grab your journal, and note down everything that brings you joy. These things can be as simple as the cup of coffee sitting on your desk, or they can be as big as the appreciation for life itself.