Why you need to warm up your muscles before strength training

Why you need to warm up your muscles before strength training

You’ll hear fitness professionals telling you to warm up before you start exercising, but why is warming up so important?

A warm-up prepares your body for working out. Here are some of the many reasons why you should warm up before exercising.

Reduced risk of injury

Exercising with ‘cold’ muscles can increase the risk of stretching, straining, or even tearing the muscle tissue. Not only is this painful, but it could also put you out for several weeks. Warming up can help reduce your risk of injuries and keep you healthy.

Improved exercise performance

When you warm up, you’ll increase your chances of having a successful workout session. Warming up causes an increase in body temperature and blood flow, meaning more oxygen and nutrients can be delivered to your working muscles. Warming up can help you reach your personal bests.

Mental preparation

Instead of jumping straight into your workout, you can spend 5-10 minutes warming up not only your body but also your mind. Exercise can be tough mentally, as well as physically, and taking the time to ease yourself into your workouts and set your intentions will enable you to push yourself and stay motivated to continue with your exercise routine.