Do You Find It Hard to Say No?

If you find it hard to say no, you’re not alone. Many people struggle to say that tiny word when they are asked to do someone a favor, even if it means they end up struggling for time or getting overwhelmed.
Saying no often feels like you’re failing or you’re letting somebody down. If you want to show that you care and love somebody, saying no when they ask you to do something for them can feel disheartening. You don’t want to hurt their feelings, so you end up saying yes instead.
You might also worry about saying no to your manager at work. You don’t want to look incompetent or rude, so you end up committing to extra work that you know you can’t handle.
You may also feel guilty when you say no. Even if you’ve got other commitments or you need to put yourself first, it’s hard not to feel bad for letting others down.
In reality, saying no is often necessary to maintain your own physical and mental health. Saying yes to everything can lead to overwhelm and burnout if you’re not careful!