Do you have an office job? Try these healthy tips.

Being physically active is important for overall health and wellbeing. A sedentary lifestyle has been linked to an increased risk of a range of health conditions, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
Unfortunately, office jobs can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle. They often involve sitting down at a desk for hours a day, with very little movement required to complete daily tasks.
However, even if you have an office job, you can still find ways to stay active. You might just need to put in a little more effort than if you had a physically demanding job.
Schedule exercise time
One of the best ways to stay active when you have an office job is to schedule exercise time around your work hours. For example, you might take your dog for a long walk, go to the gym or enjoy a home workout either before or after work.
Purposefully scheduling exercise helps you stick to workout goals, even when life gets busy.
Use your break time
Another great way to increase your physical activity and stay healthy with an office job is to take a walk during your lunch break. If the weather permits, take a walk outside to get in some steps, breathe fresh air, and get your eyes away from the computer screen.
If you are in the office, consider meeting up with a colleague for a walk. Not only will you have an accountability partner, you will also get to enjoy some social time.
Try active transportation
Use your commute to squeeze in some extra exercise. Depending on how far you live from your office, you might consider walking or biking to work. If you take public transit or drive, try getting off a few stops early or parking further away to sneak in a few extra steps each day. If you work from home, try “commuting” by taking a 15 minute walk before the start of your workday and at the end.