Foods to boost serotonin

Serotonin is known as the ‘happy hormone’. It is a neurotransmitter produced naturally in your body, and it plays an important role in your physical and mental health.
Research shows that serotonin is involved in the regulation of mood, behavior, memory and sleep. The lack of serotonin may also influence the severity of psychological disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and mood disorders.
Exercise is a commonly known way to boost your serotonin levels. When you move your body, it causes the release of a number of endorphins, including serotonin and dopamine, both of which can have antidepressant effects. These effects may be enhanced when you exercise outside, where your skin is exposed to sunlight.
But did you know that eating certain foods may also increase the amount of serotonin that gets released in your body?
Serotonin is produced from an amino acid called tryptophan. Therefore, eating foods that contain this particular amino acid may help to boost your levels of the ‘happy hormone.’
Here are some great foods to help boost your serotonin levels and overall nutrition.
Tofu is made out of soy. All soy products are high in protein, meaning they contain a lot of amino acids, including tryptophan. It’s also high in calcium, copper and magnesium.
Tofu can be a great meat substitute for vegetarians or vegans, and it’s a highly versatile food item. Some great tofu dishes include tofu stir fry, scrambled tofu, or baked tofu.
Salmon is a healthy fish that is packed full of tryptophan. It also has high levels of unsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3s, which are linked to improve heart and brain health.
Eggs are another great protein source that is packed full of tryptophan. They are also high in B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.
Nuts and Seeds
Both nuts and seeds contain tryptophan, as well as healthy fats that can improve your health and reduce your risk of disease. They are packed full of plant-based fiber, vitamins and minerals too.
Although no one food alone can change how you feel, enjoying a balanced and nutritious diet contributes to your overall health and wellbeing.