Help! I am feeling burnt out at work

It is important to recognize burnout in the workplace and take steps towards resolving it. Even if you enjoy your job, burnout is still possible if you begin to feel that you have more work than you can handle, have little control over your work, or feel that you can no longer make meaningful contributions.
Burnout refers to the physical and mental exhaustion that is the result of being overworked, overwhelmed, and not having enough support. It doesn’t mean that you have to hand in your resignation tomorrow and try a completely new career. However, it does mean that you might need to develop a plan to feel better.
Long-term burnout can lead to health complications, including physical and mental manifestations. Here are some top tips to help you when you’re feeling burned out at work.
Acknowledge how you are feeling
The first step to addressing burnout is recognizing how you are feeling and attempting to pinpoint the triggers. Acknowledge that things need to change and identify your physical and mental symptoms.
Your symptoms might include chronic fatigue, insomnia, changes in appetite, inability to concentrate, cynicism and negativity about work, and increased irritability. If you recognize several of these symptoms in yourself, it might be due to burnout.
Speak with your direct manager
When experiencing burnout it is important to not suffer in silence. A great manager will help you prioritize work to help alleviate feelings of being overwhelmed. They can support you with setting boundaries and workload management. You can also connect with your human resource department to learn about resources available through your organization that support employee wellbeing, such as an employee assistance program (EAP).
Schedule vacation days
Vacation days can provide the opportunity to get the rest and relaxation necessary to help ease the symptoms of physical and mental exhaustion associated with burnout.
Unfortunately, almost half of workers do not take all of their paid vacation days. Consider taking yours and enjoy relaxing and leaving work behind for a few days. When you are taking time off work, try to focus on relaxation and recovery, as opposed to burning yourself out with other activities. Give your mind and body a chance to completely relax.