Helpful mindful eating tips

Mindful eating refers to the process of paying close attention to the things you’re eating and your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgemental manner.
Taking a mindful approach to eating can lead to an improved relationship with food and healthier eating habits. It helps us to be more aware of when we are full, improves our enjoyment of eating and can even help boost digestive health.
Here are some helpful tips to start practicing mindful eating.
Slow down
Many of us rush through meals. With mindful eating it is important to slow down and enjoy the experience. Take small, deliberate bites when you’re eating meals and snacks. Make sure to chew your food thoroughly before swallowing, and take regular sips of water throughout. Doing so will support your digestion and enable you to enjoy every bite of food that enters your mouth. Slowing down your rate of eating will help you recognize your fullness cues.
Remove distractions
One of the key components of mindful eating is to reduce distractions (or eliminate them completely if possible). This includes leaving your phone on silent, turning your TV off, and setting aside books or magazines.
If you’re eating with loved ones, take the opportunity to catch up with each other and spend quality time socializing with them. Doing so can improve your relationship with those you dine with.
Use all your senses.
When we think of food and our senses, taste often comes to mind first. However, we also experience food through our other senses. Take the time to experience them all. How does your food look, smell, and feel in your mouth? Consider the flavor, textures and temperature of your food. The goal is to fully embrace the experience of eating and to increase your overall enjoyment of a meal.