Here's How To Tone Your Upper Body While Walking

Although walking is a full-body exercise, it works the lower body muscles much more than the upper body muscles. Therefore, if your goal is to build muscle in your arms and shoulders (a.k.a. tone your upper body), you might think that walking is not the best type of exercise for you.
However, there’s a way to turn walking into a great form of movement for upper body muscle toning. Using Nordic walking poles, you can incorporate more arm and shoulder movement into your walking routine, helping to build muscle and tone this area of your body.
Grab yourself a set of Nordic walking poles and find somewhere quiet to practice walking with them. It might feel awkward at first, but as you get used to the poles you will develop a great walking rhythm and start toning your arms and shoulders.
Nordic walking poles turn walking from a cardiovascular exercise into a strength-based exercise. It’s a great way to switch up your walking routine and achieve that toned look that you’re after.