How to practice mindfulness

Learning to be mindful takes practice—the more you practise, the easier it gets. Here are some steps that you can follow to help you become more mindful:
Step One: Become aware of your body
Turn your attention to the present, and what is currently happening around you. It might be helpful to start off this mindfulness practice with a deep breathing or muscle relaxation exercise.
Notice the way your body connects to the physical environment around you. Are you sitting or standing? What does the chair feel like? Sit with this awareness for a minute and don’t worry if your thoughts wander. Try to notice when they do, and then try to refocus them back.
Step Two: Become aware of your thoughts
Many of us spend our day thinking, without reflecting on where our thoughts come from or how they affect us. In this step, practice noticing your thoughts.
The first step in becoming mindful would be to acknowledge this thought. For example, “I’m thinking about work.”
Step Three: Do not engage
Once you have noticed your thoughts, the next step is to not engage with the thought. Observe it entering your mind, notice any feelings or emotions that it brings on, and sit with them.
You can choose to comment on the thoughts as they appear, and how they make you feel. For example, “thinking about work makes my chest feel tight.”
Step Four: Let go
Your thoughts are not you; they are simply passing through you. No matter what thoughts you have, they are not necessarily the truth. The more you practise letting your thoughts be, without judging or resisting them, the more easily you’ll be able to let them go.
Understanding and integrating mindfulness techniques into your life is a big adjustment. It takes time, practice, and trial and error to find mindfulness activities that work for you, your schedule, and your wellbeing. Using a piece of paper and a pen or pencil, or a notes app on your phone, try to reflect on the following questions.
What do you think will be challenging when you practise these steps?
This could be how much free time you have, which methods of mindfulness work, etc.
How long do you think you can try to practise mindfulness?
This could be per day, per week, or per month.