How to sneak in activity throughout your day

Alongside good nutrition, regular activity is essential to maintain a healthy body. It can enhance your heart and lung health, help you sleep better, and boost your energy. The recommended amount of exercise is 150 minutes of moderate activity every week.
However, if you can’t make it to the gym to work out, don’t stress! Here are nine ways to sneak in activity throughout your day.
Stretching is an underrated type of movement. Take a few minutes each morning to stretch your whole body. Doing so stimulates blood flow to energize you for the day ahead. Gentle stretching is also a great way to relieve muscle tension, which may help to reduce pain and prevent injuries. If you feel rushed first thing in the morning, try stretching before bed to relax your muscles for a better night’s rest.
Squat while You’re Waiting
We often find we are waiting for things throughout the day. Waiting for the kettle to boil. Waiting for the microwave to finish cooking your food. Waiting for the bus to work.
Instead of standing stationary while you’re waiting, try walking around to get in extra steps or do some on-the-spot bodyweight squats. If it’s available to you, test your strength and stability with 30-second wall-sits and challenge yourself to work up to a full minute or more.
Take the Stairs
Studies show that activity throughout the day can be more beneficial than one intense bout of exercise. Taking the stairs as much as possible can increase your total energy output. It’s going to get your heart pumping and your leg muscles working hard in a similar fashion to compound exercises like squats or lunges.
Walk More Throughout the Day
If you’re walking back from work or you’re returning from a social event, take the long route home to get in those extra steps to boost your activity. Plus, it gets you out in the fresh air and sunshine for longer, which can be great for your mental health.
If you sit at a desk all day, incorporate a relaxing walk during your lunch break. Not only does this contribute to your overall activity, but it’s also a great way to break up your day when you have a sedentary job. If there is a park nearby, take a stroll through the greenery to eat your lunch.
If you’re meeting your friend for lunch or a quick catch-up over a coffee, try meeting in the park instead of sitting in the local café. This way, you can grab your food and drink and enjoy a change of pace while socializing with your friends.
Stand Up When Possible
Switching to a standing desk to complete your work or even just standing up from time to time throughout the day is a great way to stimulate blood flow.
Do the Housework
You have to get your housework done at some point, so why not make it fun? Put on your favorite music and get your chores out of the way. It’s a great way to get in some activity while being productive. Plus, if you dance around to your tunes, it makes your housework much more enjoyable.
Park Further Away
Each time you go to the store, park a little further away than usual. This will increase your activity without you even realizing you’re doing anything extra. Plus, carrying heavy shopping bags back to your car provides some resistance training, which will build up your strength and stamina.