How to stick to your healthy eating goals

Healthy eating looks different for every individual. However, there are some general guidelines which can apply to most people.
One of the best ways to reach your healthy eating goal is by focusing on consuming a well-balanced diet full of nutrient-dense foods. This includes fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, beans and legumes, lean proteins and healthy fats.
To help make it easier we have 4 tips to support healthy eating.
Start with small changes
One common mistake is to try to change too much, too quickly. Transforming our diet overnight can be hard to sustain. When we make a lot of changes all at once, it can become overwhelming and we are more susceptible to slipping up. This can be demotivating, making it much harder to maintain change over time.
Instead, focus on making small changes that will slowly add up to help you reach your healthy eating goals. Make sure these changes are sustainable so that you can continue eating healthily for years to come.
Try adding an extra portion of vegetables to your dinner every day. Once you’re comfortable with this, add a portion of fruit to your lunch. While continuing these two healthy habits, you can then slowly add a third habit, for example, switching out a sugar based beverage for a simple glass of water.
Stock up on healthy snacks
When we are tired, stressed or feeling unmotivated, it's more tempting to reach for unhealthy, highly-processed snacks.
One strategy to prevent this is to avoid buying these unhealthy snacks in the first place. Instead, stock up on healthy alternatives so that you have delicious and nutritious snacks to eat when you’re feeling hungry.
Healthy snacks include yogurt, fresh fruit, mixed chopped nuts, hummus and carrots, or wholegrain crackers.
Plan ahead
Many celebrations and social gatherings revolve around food. It is important to continue enjoying the same events as you did before and to make time to socialize with those you care about. You can still do this and stick to your healthy eating goals by planning ahead. Check restaurant menus ahead of time so that you know about the healthy options available. Eat a nutritious snack before going out to help reduce the temptation to make poor food choices because you are hungry. Offer to bring something when you are invited to someone's home for a meal. Not only will they most likely appreciate the help, you will know that there will be at least one portion of the meal that aligns with your goals.
Find an accountability partner
Sticking to your healthy eating goal is often easier to do when those around you are also working towards a healthier eating pattern. You can motivate one another and hold each other accountable to ensure you reach and maintain your goals. Accountability partners are there to support and encourage you and can help remind you of the wonderful reasons why you have made healthy eating an important lifestyle goal.