How to stick to your workout routine

We know exercise is good for us. Why then, do we sometimes stop? The reasons for this can include unrealistic expectations, a lack of motivation, working out too hard, inadequate planning or an ineffective training regime. Let’s take a closer look at some of these barriers to help you overcome them in the future.
Sometimes, enthusiasm for starting a new exercise program can backfire. We begin with intensity and frequency levels that are not sustainable or lead to injury. Understanding your current fitness level and building a routine that works with your busy schedule will help you stay on track.
One common reason for early dropout on fitness journeys is unrealistic expectations. People can set themselves very high expectations and feel disheartened when they don’t see the results they desire. Setting small, realistic goals can help you build towards your larger goals. For example, were you able to exercise for 5 minutes longer? Or perform one more set of reps?
Motivation is also a key factor in people’s fitness journeys. It’s natural to lack motivation every so often, and many people see losing motivation as an excuse to stop their fitness routines and give up altogether. It’s easier to stay motivated when you are doing something you enjoy. Don’t choose an exercise routine because you think you should do it, take the time to experiment and find something you truly love.
Without a well-designed program that considers a person’s unique fitness levels, preferences, and schedule, plateaus and burnout are more likely. Similarly, a lack of variety in exercises can also contribute to boredom, making it easier for people to stop their training routines. Check trusted online resources for programs or if your budget allows, consider working with a qualified personal trainer to develop a personalized program.