I can't fall asleep. What should I do?

I can't fall asleep. What should I do?

You're not alone if you struggle to fall asleep. Millions of people struggle with the same issue each night and deal with chronic insomnia. There are many reasons why you might find it difficult to get to sleep, such as racing thoughts, worries about work or family issues, a noisy sleep environment, bright lights in your room, or being too hot or cold.

Finding ways to improve your ability to sleep will have a number of positive benefits for your physical and mental health. Below, we've got some top tips on how you can fall asleep more easily and enjoy a full night's sleep every night.

Optimize your sleep environment

Your bedroom environment makes a significant difference to your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep, yet it's something that a lot of us don't think twice about when we get into bed. Here are some key considerations to take when optimizing your environment for a great night's sleep:

  • Keep the room quiet by shutting the door and windows and turning off your TV. You might wish to play relaxing music or white noise to drown out the sounds of noisy neighbors or family members.
  • Keep the room (and your bed) relatively cool. You might need to open the window or turn on the air conditioning system an hour before bed if it's hot in your bedroom during the evening.
  • Make sure your bed is comfortable. Ensure you have enough pillows to support your neck and spine and that your duvet keeps you warm enough.

Relaxation techniques

There are lots of great relaxation techniques that you can perform to wind down in the evening and prepare your body and mind for sleep. Here are some mindfulness-focused activities you can try in the hour leading up to your bedtime:

  • Deep breathing (breathe in for four, hold for four, and our for four several times)
  • Yoga or static stretching
  • Guided meditation (you can follow guided meditation audio or video on your phone for this if you're not sure where to start)
  • Counting sheep (as silly as this might sound, it's a great way to distract your mind from racing thoughts)
  • Progressive muscle relaxation to relieve muscle tension and prepare your body for rest
  • Visualize a peaceful scene or scenario to calm your mind and reduce anxiety