Meal planning - 5 benefits that might surprise you

If you have been considering meal planning, we have great reasons why you will want to get started. By selecting your weekly recipes and compiling your ingredient list in advance, you can make grocery shopping quicker and easier, while benefiting your health and finances. Not tempted yet? Read on and discover all the great benefits of meal planning.
Better nutrient intake
Planning your meals ahead of time enables you to choose a variety of nutritious foods. As a result, you can expand your nutrient intake and optimize your health.
It doesn’t take a lot of effort to plan your upcoming meals to ensure you take in a range of macronutrients (protein, carbs and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). You can prioritize nutrient-dense foods while reducing your reliance on processed foods and other less healthy options.
Reduced food waste
When you plan your meals, you're less likely to purchase perishable items that are not used before spoiling. Fruits and vegetables provide essential nutrients, for example, vitamins and fiber, and are an important part of a healthy diet. Planning your meals and buying exactly what you need can help reduce your overall food waste, supporting the environment and your wallet).
Cheaper grocery shopping
Meal planning enables you to plan a series of meals that use the same or similar ingredients. This means you can avoid buying an excessive volume of food that you might end up throwing away. You can reduce your grocery store expenses and save money in the long run.
Achieving health goals
Meal planning is a powerful tool for achieving your health goals. It helps prevent impulsive and unhealthy eating choices, which can derail your best-laid plans. When meals have been planned you're less likely to grab convenient but less healthy options when you're hungry.
Less stressful mealtimes
Mealtimes can be stressful when you have no idea what to cook. Planning your meals removes stress and worry, making lunches and dinners quicker and easier to prepare.