Not feeling motivated to work out? Try this 10-minute trick.

Let’s face it. Sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise. This is especially true if you always do the same workout, and it takes you a long time. You might feel like exercising is a chore that prevents you from having an extra hour in bed in the mornings or cuts into your relaxing time after work in the evenings. However, exercise is not only good for your body, it can help improve your mood and may even help you sleep better at night.
Rather than giving up on your workout altogether, try this trick instead.
Cut down your workout time to just 10 minutes. Knowing that you’ve got under 10 minutes left as soon as you start your workout can make it so much easier to get it done.
These 10 minutes can be spent doing a quick HIIT session or a short jog. Shortening the length of time you're exercising can shift your mindset from one of dread to one of accomplishment. This feeling can help motivate you to begin embracing longer workouts again.
Even if you only get 10 minutes done every time, this could add up to over an hour of effective exercise over the course of the week if you commit to working out regularly. What’s more, you might find that once you get started exercising, you want to carry on for longer!