Running tips to help prevent injuries

Running is an excellent way to stay fit and healthy, but it can also put a significant amount of stress on your body that may increase the risk of injuries. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of sustaining an injury during your running sessions.
Warm-up and cool down
Start your runs with a warm-up to increase blood flow and prepare your muscles and joints for exercise. Ensure you perform dynamic stretches prior to running, such as arm circles and leg swings, as these can reduce muscle strain risk.
At the end of your run, spend a few minutes walking and follow the session up with some static stretching, such as a hamstring and calf stretch, to cool your muscles down appropriately.
Increase intensity over time
Increase your running intensity, duration, or frequency gradually. Avoid doing too much, too quickly to prevent the risk of injury and overtraining. Ideally, you should increase the distance of runs by no more than 10% each week, assuming your intensity and frequency remain the same.
Wear proper footwear
Invest in good-quality running shoes that fit your feet and feel comfortable to wear. Great running shoes will make running easier and safer, preventing injuries to the feet, ankles, or shins. You’re twice as likely to sustain a second injury within a year of the first injury, so prevention is key!
Use proper running form
Maintain proper running form at all times to ensure your body is in proper alignment and you don’t place too much strain on the wrong areas of the body. Your feet should not turn inwards or outwards, your eyes should be looking forward, your neck should be neutral, and your arms should be swinging naturally by your sides.
You may need to adjust your running form depending on the type of terrain on which you're running. Try to stick to softer surfaces like trails or grass instead of concrete or pavement, at least initially, as these types of terrains can be easier on your joints.