Stretches to calm your mind and body

Stretching can be amazing for both the mind and the body to relieve tension and stress.
Performing a basic stretching routine each evening may help reduce the tightness in your muscles and relax your mind after a long day. You don’t need to create an elaborate hour-long routine, either. A few simple stretches can be all you need to help calm your body and mind. Here are some great stretches for you to try out.
Neck stretches
Sometimes, we can feel tight and anxious because of the tension in our necks. When we are constantly hunched over a computer or tensing our shoulders, it can cause excessive strain to be placed on the upper body.
Doing regular neck stretches may help relieve some of this tension and stress. Sit down somewhere comfortable and gently tip your neck to one side until you can feel a nice stretch in the muscles. Hold the position for 15 seconds before repeating on the other side, as well as tilting the neck forwards and backward.
Child’s pose
This popular yoga position helps to stretch out the muscles throughout the whole body.
To perform the Child’s Pose, kneel on the floor with knees hip-distance apart and lean your torso forward with your arms stretched out in front of you.
Rest your forehead on the floor and feel the stretch in your back, shoulders, and hips. Hold the position for 30 seconds to feel the tension slowly drift away.
Forward fold
Begin this standing pose with your feet shoulder width apart. With your chin tucked-in, bend forward from your hips towards your legs. You can either let your arms dangle, or hold onto your elbows with opposite hands. Depending on your flexibility, you may even touch the floor. Try holding the stretch for 30 - 60 seconds.
Remember to take some deep breaths and bring attention to the senses, letting go of any anxious thoughts during your stretching practice. This will help calm your mind as you release tension from your body.