What are Kegels and what are their benefits?

Kegel exercises were first developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel. They refer to a range of exercises that work the muscles that support the pelvis and pelvic organs (uterus, bladder and rectum, as well as the vagina and cervix for women).
Benefits of Kegel exercises
Kegels are beneficial for men and women, supporting the pelvic organs into older age. Doing regular Kegel exercises can help to strengthen the pelvic muscles, which improves bladder control and reduces the risk and severity of urinary incontinence.
Kegel exercises can also be beneficial for women during pregnancy when there is increased pressure on the pelvis and associated organs due to the weight of the growing fetus. Kegel exercises can also promote faster recovery for new moms in the postpartum period. They can reduce the chance of urinary incontinence and pelvic pain. These exercises can also reduce constipation during the third trimester and post-birth.
Pelvic floor exercises can prevent pelvic organ prolapse (including prolapse of the cervix, uterus, and rectum). This is thanks to their strengthening effects on the muscles that support the pelvic organs and keep them in place. Because the pelvis helps to support the back, performing Kegel exercises may help to reduce back pain severity, improve posture, and improve anterior and posterior core muscle strength.
Overall, Kegel exercises can improve your confidence and self-esteem because of their ability to improve bladder control, urinary incontinence, and pelvic strength.