Why is skin health important?

Skin health is important for many reasons, including the following.
- Your skin acts as a protective barrier, shielding your body from harmful microorganisms, pollutants and environmental toxins.
- Healthy skin helps prevent infections and other health issues by serving as a first line of defense against external threats.
- Your skin plays a crucial role in regulating body temperature through processes such as sweating and blood vessel dilation or constriction. Maintaining proper body temperature is essential for overall health and wellbeing.
- Skin contains numerous nerve endings that allow us to sense touch, pressure, temperature and pain. Healthy skin ensures the proper functioning of these sensory receptors, enabling us to interact with our environment and respond to stimuli.
- Exposure to sunlight enables the skin to produce vitamin D, a vital nutrient for bone health, immune function and hormonal health.
- Skin helps prevent dehydration by serving as a barrier that limits water loss from the body. Adequately hydrated skin is more resilient, supple, and less prone to issues like dryness and irritation.