Why you need to get out of your comfort zone, sometimes

It might be easy to stick to your comfort zone and avoid stepping into the unknown but you could be missing out. Sometimes, in order to experience growth we need to push ourselves to try something new and challenge ourselves. This isn't about taking on risky behaviors but rather about stretching ourselves to find out what we are truly capable of achieving and empowering us to connect with others.
Here are some of the possible benefits of getting out of your comfort zone, sometimes.
You may grow as a person
Getting out of your comfort zone can be scary. You might be worried about what’s going to happen when you take the leap. However, feeling insecure or anxious about the unknown is natural and does not mean you are not ready to try something new.
Taking that first step out of your comfort zone is always the hardest. In fact, it is often this first step that stops us because of the uncomfortable feelings we experience. Remind yourself that once you are over this hurdle it will become easier. It’s here that you will grow and get stronger as a person and it is the key to learning.
You may learn to accept failures
Failure is a part of life. In fact, it’s a necessary aspect of your journey. If you have a goal, you may fail at it more than once, but what’s important is that you get back up and continue on your journey.
When you’re not in your usual comfort zone, you’re probably doing things that are unfamiliar. Things that you’re not great at. So, you might end up failing more often than usual, but this is all part of the process. Ideally over time you will see setbacks as an opportunity for learning and growth.
You may gain more self-confidence
Leaving your comfort zone and taking the scary steps to achieve your goals can help strengthen mental wellbeing. Taking on new challenges can help improve confidence in your abilities. You will realize that you have so much more to offer than you originally thought. This sense of self-confidence can continue to grow as you learn about yourself and your capabilities.
You might meet new people
If you stick to your comfort zone, you will interact with the same types of people. When you take a leap into something new, you can gain the opportunity to meet new people and try new activities. This might not have been the case if you never took that first step out of your comfort zone.